Block dangerous web sites
9 out of 10 children aged 8-16 inadvertently view pornography on the Internet, mostly while doing homework 41% of U.S. teens claim their parents have no idea what they are looking at online.
- Maximum Protection
- Instant Notifications
- Detailed Reporting
- Healthy Online Experiences
features list
Safe Lagoon web filtering for children is free.
Always. Forever.
What is ok for a 14 year old may not be appropriate for a 5 year old — so we have different levels of filtration for different age groups.
Our web filter has information on over 80 Million websites and adds more every day providing you with the most comprehensive online protection.
Safe Lagoon protects your child from phishing and scam websites.
You can remotely turn on and off your child’s Internet access using the controls in the Safe Lagoon Parental app
In your personal WebCenter you can review the daily Internet usage report as well as a 30 day history of online browsing

Child-Safe Web Browsing
Safeguard your children’s digital world with Safe Lagoon's advanced web filtering. Block inappropriate apps and websites, while promoting child-friendly content. Protect against mature content, gambling, and violence. Stay alerted on attempted access to blocked content for enhanced online safety.
Safe Lagoon's Artificial Intelligence cloud continuously updates, offering round-the-clock protection against the newest online threats
Enjoy the flexibility to either use a predefined template or fully customize your internet filtering rules to fit your family's unique online safety needs
Receive instant notifications on the Safe Lagoon Parental App about any attempts your child makes to access inappropriate sites